meski telat 3 hari buat ngasih news ini, biarin deh. meski rada-rada basi, biarin deh...
maklum orang sibuk (=^.^=)V *digetok reader*
yang pasti news ini pantes buat dibaca para SHawol yang ngebaca!!!
SHINee ngungkapin perasaan mereka yang lagi seneng-senengnya ke fans mereka lewat me2daynya. Sayangnya, si Onew nggak ikutan ngasih komen gara-gara sakitnya belum sembuh pas waktu itu. ini nie commentnya mereka berempat.
- [Jonghyun] Triple crown!! Heart throbbing mutizen song!!! Let's go far with your loves~ Everyone be careful of cold!!
- [Key] I love you♥(I was a little surprised hehe)
- [Taemin] Thank you all the noonas (older sister) dongsaengs (younger sister) aunts who gives their best for us^^!! Everyone jjang (awesome), I am really happy^^;;;
- [Minho]Onew hyung~ recover fast so we can perform together~ You know that there must be all 5 of us for SHINee to shine, right~?
The SHINee World always support you!!!
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